Having trouble finding your garlic tolerance, your sexuality, your . . . you know ;)*? Well look no further, thanks to Duncan Wilson's (MD) scientifically proven Vampire to Wario Spectrum you can truly find out now!
Itec Forever
*"you know ;)" roughly translates to trigonometry
Created in 1682 by legendary auteur visionary Duncan Wilson (MD, PHD), the Vampire and Wario Spectrum (pictured below) was made in order to determine the quality of garlic based medical equipment, it has since been repurposed for all uses from architecture to therapy.

How does it work?
Duncan Wilson (MD, PHD, MOD) made the Wario-vampire spectrum intentionally complex
to ensure that only the worthy have access to it as well as to increase accuracy of the spectrum.
You can find your place on the sprectrum throught this simple process:
1: Submit your home address and phone number
2: Post a photo of your reflection in the mirror
3: Chant the incantation three times in the dark
4: After all this you should receive a vision of where you score on the Vampire + Wario spectrum
(an example of one such vision is shown in figure 1)
Fig 1.

The individual who had this vision allegedly wanted to test the score of the organization EVIT (which scored a 600 on the spectrum). When asked for comment they only replied "I attend EVIT"