Spinning dollar sign with sparklesWELCOME TO THE D3R CORRUPTION MARKETSpinning dollar sign with sparkles


Welcome to the official D3R Corruption Point Exchange! Founded by Ministrix of Corruption Nico, it's officially operated by the Democratic People's Ministry of Corruption (DPMC), where we encourage political corruption among the class president of D3R-PM and his cronies.


"What are Corruption Points?"

Corruption Points (©) are the official measure of corruption by the DPMC. They are decided arbitrarily on account of not having an official basis or written rules, so if I don't like you you might not earn as much.

"How do I earn Corruption Points?"

BY BEING CORRUPT IDIOT!! Nepotism, bribery, embezzlement,* etc. are easy ways of getting Corruption Points. Remember when I said that if I don't like you you won't earn as much? That's pretty corrupt, and thus increases my Corruption Point count.

"Can I lose Corruption Points?"

Yes, you can lose Corruption Points by not being corrupt.

"What's up with Nico's Corruption Point count? Why does she have infinite points?"

As the Ministrix of Corruption, I decide who is corrupt. Because of this, I have decided that I am supremely corrupt and deserving of infinite Corruption Points. This is a very corrupt thing to do, so it increases my Corruption Point count anyways.


Yes, even the game of corruption has its rules, this is so I as Ministrix of Corruption personally don't get cheated (which is wrong because it affects me).

  1. Theft. Despite embezzlement (stealing for rich people) being corrupt, there are limits. Stealing from non-participants, not returning stolen goods, stealing class items, burglary (forcibly taking stuff) is strictly forbidden, and will result in you getting disqualified
  2. Counterfeiting. Do not make your own Corruption Points and/or BodineBux, or modify the counter to increase your balance. While this is a very corrupt thing to do, it makes the corruption scale meaningless, thus being against the rules. Violations of this rule will result in all counterfeit Corruption Points and BodineBux being confiscated, followed by earning a corruption point for counterfeiting.


1© = 50¢


5© - A Tootsie Roll

15© - A sticky hand

500© - Xbox 360

*Despite embezzlement being an easy way of gaining corruption points, do not steal from the D3R class. Doing so will get you in trouble with the school, the class, and will also get you disqualified.
